Explore Phillip Island

Vietnam Veterans Museum


The National Vietnam Veterans Museum is about Australia’s military history, with great exhibits, memorabilia display, and learning boards. The educational displays are about how veterans felt and how the Vietnam War affected them. It is an emotional visit that is educationally intensive and does a  lot to pay respects to the people who served.

Explore More

  • Experience the magic of little penguins returning to their burrows at sunset.
  • Be up close and personal with these adorable birds, waddling as they make their way ashore.
  • Participate in natural experiences through the natural environment and wildlife of Phillip Island.
  • Enjoy a memorable evening in this peaceful place, full of uniqueness.
  • Panoramic views of rugged coastline and marine life.
  • Interactive displays with spotting wildlife; educational displays.
  • Excellent viewpoint to observe fur seals and seabirds.
  • Nature experiences open at this remarkable location.
  • Scenic boat tours along the coastline of Phillip Island.
  • Watching fur seals, dolphins, and seabirds in their natural habitat.
  • A special experience celebrating marine beauty and biodiversity.
  • Ideal for nature lovers looking for adventure and families.

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